So yesterday Justin and I ran our first 5K together. I was worried about running this because I hadn't trained hard enough and I hadnt ever ran 3.1 miles straight through without stopping. I wasnt going to run but changed my mind at the last minute. Of course, I didnt want to run all by myself so I asked Justin to do it with me. Being the good husband that he is, he agreed. So we woke up at 7:15 on Saturday morning and got ready to run! I set one goal for myself...I was NOT going to stop or walk till I crossed the finish line. I am proud to say that I accomplished this goal! Justin ran with me the whole way! We were so exhausted at the end but we did it! I am not going to lie, I was pretty upset that Justin could run it without stopping and not having any training! I work my butt of in the gym to work up to this and he can do it without any effort...its not fair----men!!!! Anyhow, it was awesome to cross the finish line with him. He helped me so much! He kept pushing me to go harder and faster and we ran it in 30 minutes and 20 seconds! I know that is not great because it means we averaged about 10 minutes per mile, but we still did it and we had so much fun doing it!
Being here in South Carolina has been such a great experience. While being here, I have learned that I have a facination for alligators! I love them (and stay far away from them)! On the road to get to the hotel, there are a few ponds and there are always alligators out sun bathing. I always forget my camera when I go on a walk but on the way home from church today I realized I had my camera in my purse! I was so excited when we passed the alligators and I FINALLY got a picture of one! I am posting the picture of the alligator and one of us after the 5K. Dont ask me why you can see people so close the alligator in the back ground. I was watching the alligator as the people got closer and closer and he kept slowly turning his head toward them and he was perched in the attack position. I was ready to flip my camera to the video recorder when he decided to attack! (just joking). I see the alligator every day and they are normally
all calm and relaxed and just laying there with there head on the ground but not today! I dont know if people think that because they are in a pond close to the road that they are tamed or something? I dont get it...anyhow here are the pictures...enjoy!
Way to go on your 5K!!!!!! When I was a running fool I ran lots of them. I will never forget my first one. Way to go!!
PS. You guys just look so cute:)
so cool for you, running a 5k. And Justin ran with you. That's great! I don't know if I could ever talk anyone in my family to running a 5k with me. I don't know if I could ever work my butt off to run one! Ha! But that's way cool.
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